Thank you for your nuanced and layered response to this article. Language, especially about who and who is not a racist represents our thinking and creates worlds. I have now reframed “little racist” to underfunctioning antiracist. This is rooted in a relational model and Gestalt psychology principles. The work of Ibram X. Kendi builds on Angela Davis’ thinking that it is not enough to be non-racist but we have to be anti-racist. Kendi speaks of it as a binary — you are either racist or ant-racist. No gray areas. Your example of your father would put him in the racist category, but I agree with you one action or thought that is rooted in a racist idea does not make you a racist. Yet, you can be underfuncitoning as I wrote in my other artice. Not a Racist? Then Let’s Be Better Antiracist. Does this make sense?