Thank you, Todd. I agree that for some (not sure how many) the Confederate flag does represent a naive identification with Southern states and a proclamation of independence. But is also indicates a lack of understanding of history and what that proclamation was all about and what it was based on--maintaining slavery. Please know that the Confederate flag for popular use began 100 years after the war during the pre-civil rights movement. Resurrecting the flag was about the same--defending America's white identity. So even if it is a naive or ignorant use of the flag, it does not remove its impact on BIPOC, nor does it change the fact that embedded in that history, that folks are so nostalgic about, is a time when overt racism was the norm and Southerners died trying to defend that norm. Anyone who uses it in modern times must know that history. Willful ignorance or denial of it does not excuse them and it clearly doesn't mitigate the impact on millions of Americans or change its message. That flag still flies on homes across Ohio and other parts of the U.S. I do believe January 6th has been (and hopefully will continue to be) a reminder of the Confederate flag's history and its message--both its history and what its contemporary use signifies. When people know better they should do better and not display it or use it. Period. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.